1.Some economists, notably Robert Shiller, did identify the bubble and warn of painful consequences if it were to burst.
2.Luckily, if the doormat or stove failed to warn of coming disaster, a successful lawsuit might compensate you for your troubles.
3.Post prominent signs in such an area that warn of potential fire hazards and the need for elimination of any ignition sources.
4.Temporary signs are also used to warn of temporary road conditions or for short term traffic control by the police .
5.An electrical, electronic, or mechanical device that serves to warn of danger by means of a sound or signal.
6.The full report, due to be published by December, is expected to warn of an environmental catastrophe.
7.Researchers warn of a link between this condition and an increased risk of cancer of the esophagus from drinking alcohol.
8.Today is World Diabetes Day, part of a campaign to urge governments to do more to fight the disease. Organizers warn of a diabetes. . .
9.Warren Buffett, America's investor-in-chief, pops up to warn of potential political instability.
10.As the recession shrinks health care coverage for more households, experts warn of a double-whammy on all consumers.